"Bartering Only"
Artist | Concept through Installation
"Bartering Only" is a mural created by Bekah Badilla that depicts an iridescent purple and blue Deep Angler Fish with a glowing money sign.
Bartering Only
Spray painted indoor mural
2023|Organized by East Village Walls
67 Eldridge St, Chinatown NYC
Gardner, J. (2017). Legends of the Northern Paiute: As told by Wilson Wewa. Oregon State University Press.
Books that have informed my work
-Odell, J. (2021). How to do nothing: Resisting the attention economy. Melville House.
- The Myth of Progress, Theodore L. Shay, The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 18, No. 1 (JANUARY-MARCH, 1957), pp. 5, Published By: Indian Political Science Association
- RSA. (2013, April 9). On Progress - John Gray [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmRBHCclzZk
*It is important to note that other resources, oral teaching, relational and community learning and mutual knowledge sharings have informed my work and ideas.
- Marie-Terese Png, Ai ethics doctorate student, https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/profiles/marie-therese-png/
- Jamie Yancovitz, Darcey de los Reyes. Survival Arts, survivalarts.org/.
- Thoreau, H. D., & Brown, B. (2020). Walden ; and On the duty of civil disobedience. Canon Press.
- Hancock, G. (2020). America before: the key to Earth's lost civilization. Coronet.
- Villariba, Marianita Girlie C. “OneonOne.” Babaylan Women as Guide to a Life of Justice and Peace, vol. No.2, 2006, pp. 55–60.
- Ho, Fred. Principles for the Revolutionary Matriarchy Society, 2012.
- Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States (REVISIONING HISTORY). Reprint, Beacon Press, 2015.
- Badilla family and elders. Carter family and elders.